The Law Office of Gretchen E. Fisher
When it comes to a dispute related to your family and or loved ones, sensitive matters can often become contentious and complicated. Having an experienced Lake County Divorce Lawyer to advocate your interests can be critical to obtaining a favorable outcome in your case. Concentrating her practice in the field of divorce and family matters in Illinois, The Law Office of Gretchen E. Fisher can be very beneficial to your case. You can count on Gretchen E. Fisher to alleviate the pressure you are feeling by providing legal counsel that you can count on!
The Law Office of Gretchen E. Fisher takes paternity cases very seriously because in most cases they involve high stakes for the alleged parent and the child. Gretchen E. Fisher believes that both parents play an essential role in the lives of children.
Illinois’ current child support statute took effect on July 1, 2017. Although significantly more complex than its predecessor, it provides a more realistic child support amount for both the recipient parent and the payer. The Law Office of Gretchen E. Fisher works to ensure the child support in each case is calculated properly and as the statute intended.
Collaborative Divorce is a way for a couple in Illinois to work as a team with trained professionals to resolve disputes respectfully, without going to court. Each party has the support, protection and guidance of his or her own lawyer. But the lawyers, instead of going to battle against each other, pledge to work together in crafting an outcome that is fair to everyone involved. Contact Gretchen E. Fisher to discuss your situation and how she can help you amicably resolve the issues you are facing.
The reality is that many disputes can and should be resolved through mediation. Mediation spares both parties the cost, time and emotional toll of litigation. In fact, it is almost never too late to consider mediation. At The Law Office of Gretchen E. Fisher, we offer full mediation services. Contact Gretchen E. Fisher today to discuss your mediation needs.
If you have been through a divorce in Illinois, you are probably in no hurry to go back to court. If your ex ceases to pay court-ordered support or is deliberately interfering with your parenting efforts it’s time to get legal support you need. At The Law Office of Gretchen E. Fisher, you find that help with post-divorce motions for enforcement or modification. Gretchen E. Fisher can help you resolve conflicts with your existing court order for you and the for the benefit of your children.
Gretchen E. Fisher understands how emotionally charged issues of parenting time and decision making can be. The Law Office of Gretchen E. Fisher puts the children first but works to ensure a heathy relationship between the children and both parents.